Anna’s Musical Journey at BIST Culminates in Outstanding Achievement

Anna’s Musical Journey at BIST Culminates in Outstanding Achievement

Anna, a Year 6 student at the British International School of Tbilisi (BIST), has achieved a remarkable feat by securing a Distinction in the Level 3 Performance Award with the London College of Music. This accomplishment is a testament to her dedication, talent, and the exceptional music education she has received at BIST.

Under the guidance of our talented music teacher, Ms. Tamar Usenashvili, Anna developed her skills and passion for music. Ms. Usenashvili, a renowned concert pianist, has provided Anna with the support and encouragement needed to excel in her musical endeavors.

At BIST, we offer a comprehensive music curriculum that includes both classroom lessons and private instruction. Our students have numerous opportunities to perform at school events, such as Christmas and Summer shows, as well as our annual Music Extravaganza. These experiences help students build confidence and hone their performance skills.

The Level 3 Performance Award focuses solely on performance. Students must demonstrate their ability to play three pieces at a challenging level and a high level. Anna’s exceptional performance earned her a score of 95 out of 100, securing a Distinction, the highest possible achievement.

We are incredibly proud of Anna’s accomplishment and commend her hard work and dedication. Her success is a shining example of the quality education and opportunities available at BIST.