Season of Trips at BIST

Season of Trips at BIST

British International School Embarks on Season of Educational Trips These trips offer students valuable opportunities to enhance their learning beyond the classroom.

Our Spanish language enthusiasts embarked on a thrilling journey to Madrid last weekend! The group has arrived safely and is already immersed in a dynamic learning experience, combining interactive Spanish lessons with exciting cultural activities.

Upcoming Expeditions:

The excitement continues next week with a packed schedule of trips for various year groups:

  • Year 10: Gear up for a refreshing escape to Lopota Lake!
  • Bronze International Award Students: Embark on their crucial practice expedition, honing their skills and teamwork!
  • Year 4D: Get ready for a fun-filled exploration of Bazaleti Lake!

Day Trips for Duke of Edinburgh Award Participants:

Our dedicated primary school Duke of Edinburgh Award participants are also getting a taste of exploration closer to home! They’ll be visiting a plant nursery today and tomorrow for a unique learning experience.